I found the Genesis One Code incredibly interesting and thought-provoking. The author’s approach was brilliant and creative to reconcile the “conflicting” theories of religion and science. It was refreshing to read a scientific and rationale approach to the issue. The author presents his case in a very logical and credible manner while making it easy […]
The Genesis One Code – Readers’ Favorite 2013 International Book Award Winner – review
Readers Favorite Award Winner Daniel Friedmann offers a rational and reasonable theory. I highly recommend “The Genesis One Code”.
Review by Rich Deem from Evidence for God- 4 stars- June 2013
The Genesis One Code is an interesting, well-written examination of the Genesis one days from a Jewish Kabbalistic perspective. Author Daniel Friedmann has a good handle on the science behind modern cosmology and apparently, extensive knowledge of the Kabbalistic literature. However, the basic premise of of converting creation days into some fixed period of time […]
A rational, sensible theory, By the Book Reviews, May 24, 2013
The Genesis One Code Daniel Friedmann (Trade Paperback) 219 pages, illustrated If religion did not involve itself in so many absolutely idiotic debates one wonders what it would do with its day. Pope Pius XII in 1951 may have endorsed the theory of the Big Bang as completely compatible with the Roman Catholic view of […]
A worthy read to ponder over, May 6, 2013
May 06, 2013 Jas Madhur rated it really like it Dan was my former CEO, as such I am fully acquainted with his relentlessly incisive intellect. I stumbled on his book, quite by accident, during my pursuit of texts related to the Vedas and Kabbalah. Anyway, surprised as I was, I read his work and […]
5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book! Bookpleasures.com March 17, 2013
The Genesis One Code should be read by everyone, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim, or otherwise. Those curious about the past will find the book compelling. Those wishing that the long prophesied End Times were just over the horizon will find the book encouraging. Those searching for solidity in the security of scientific summaries will find […]
Englightenting, February 3, 2013
This book is the perfect read for anyone who loves both Christianity and science. It joins the two beautifully and unbiasedly. I can’t wait to read more from his sources. Rebeca S. Porter, Amazon.com reviwer
The “great debate” is over – God wins and science agrees!, January 30, 2013
Daniel Friedmann shares his explanation of our origins in both science and religious texts – reconciling these disciplines to point towards the single truth “God created….” and science supports! The book will inspire the reader. It is a winning work, a great read filled with wisdom, that will result in animated discussions and personal moments […]
An Interesting Perspective, December 29, 2012, Teach the World Ministries
Although I did not agree with all of the author’s premises in this book, I did appreciate the wonderful detail and specific information that is contained within. The theory of time being divergently different in space, depending on the place an object is located, brings great possibilities to our understanding of how six days of […]
I highly recommend “The Genesis One Code”, 5 stars, Anne Billings for Readers Favorite
When a discussion on the origin of the earth comes up most people will have one of these two opinions. There are those who will take the side of science; they believe in the big bang theory and evolution. The other popular belief is that God created heaven, earth and all living things in 6 […]