The Genesis One Code
Daniel Friedmann (Trade Paperback) 219 pages, illustrated
If religion did not involve itself in so many absolutely idiotic debates one wonders what it would do with its day. Pope Pius XII in 1951 may have endorsed the theory of the Big Bang as completely compatible with the Roman Catholic view of creation, however that was a moment of relatively modern enlightenment the number of which can be counted on one finger. Evolution or no evolution, the curious inconsistency of those who would ban abortion yet endorse violent jihad and the death penalty, the secondary status of women; well one could go on forever with this so let’s not.
Daniel Friedmann chooses to leap into one of the contentious debates by attempting to reconcile the view of the Bible’s Book of Genesis (Earth created in six days) with that of modern science (Earth created over 13.7 billion years). To his credit, Friedmann mans up to his task and emerges with a rational, sensible theory which therefore will be rejected by fundamentalists on either side. More’s the pity.
It really is unfair to boil an author’s 200 plus page book into a sentence, but that\s reviewing for you. Essentially, Friedmann’s argument is that God keeps time his own way. 13.7 billion years to God is six days to you or me. Further, The Genesis One Code argues that the Bible does get the order of things correctly – going from stars first and ending with Adam and Eve, people, plopped into Eden where they immediately start mucking everything up.
It is quite an interesting read and Friedmann deserves congratulations for taking on a subject and institutions where the victory he can hope to achieve is at best Pyrrhic. All the more reason to give The Genesis One Code respect.
by Hubert O’Hearn – the Book Reviews
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