“The Genesis One Code, will definitely cause any serious student of Science and the Bible to ponder deeper the vastness of Creation and our physical universe ! Daniel Friedmann has succeeded in presenting a valid case for the congruence of the Biblical record of Creation with Modern Science. His scholarly research coupled with his Mathematical […]
A Look from Both Sides: Finding Center, by Grady Harp HALL OF FAME/TOP 50 REVIEWER Amazon
How things started has been a hot topic since Darwin’s theory of evolution and the subsequent discoveries of physicists and scientists throughout the subsequent centuries . Usually a book appears as a rant, descrying the ‘other side’ of the debate from the vantage of the writer’s opinion: either the universe was created billions of years […]
Advancing the truth, Rabbi Andrew Rosenblatt
As a Rav who was once a bio-organic chemist, the issues of creation science and biblical narrative have been an area of particular interest. The subject matter is one which requires a dual loyalty: one to accurate reading of the Torah and another to valid empirical and theoretical science. Daniel Friedmann is an individual thoroughly […]
Creation: A Reconciled View, Pastor Jim Allen
Reading The Genesis One Code is a faith affirming adventure! Daniel Friedmann has done an insightful and entertaining presentation of the meaning of the first chapter of Genesis. Not since the Protestant Evangelical Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe came out with his support of the ‘Big Bang’ theory, the creation day interpreted as […]
Very lucid exposition…David C. Bossard
I have had a long-time interest in the Creation Narrative — how God proceeded in the project of creation: first the universe, then elements, and on to life, animals and the crowning glory, the creation of humans in his image. Daniel Friedmann read some of my work on the web, liked what he saw (I […]
Richard Sand: Award-Winning Author
Daniel Friedmann’s breakout book, The Genesis One Code, provides the reader with an excellent comparison between biblical teaching and scientific theory. It is a read you don’t want to miss. When was the dawn of creation? Six-thousand years ago with a divine act or 14-billion years ago with the Big Bang? Friedmann does not try […]
N. A., BSc Biology and several years of Biblical studies
In this book, the author has initiated the process of resolving some of the dilemmas faced by those who believe there is no contradiction between the Bible and recent discoveries of science. Daniel’s research is thorough, but his style is easy to read and his thesis represents a welcome breakthrough step towards ending the dispute […]
H. B. PhD Psychology, BSc Physics
The author shows exceptional courage in this book. He attempts to reconcile the timing of the beginning of the universe and the timing of the development of life on Earth, as described by science and religion. Irreconcilable you say? If you have the courage to follow his analysis, you may be treated to one of […]
Planet Weidknecht
I really enjoyed reading The Genesis One Code. Friedmann writes in a pointed voice, easy to understand and follow, supporting his ideas with referenced resources. The Bible dates back so much farther than scientific discovery and it’s always bothered me that science attempts to discount that God created the world. It makes me much happier […]
Carolyn Lawrence President & CEO Women of Influence Inc.
The Genesis One Code was extremely well researched and provided a holistic view of religious and scientific standings, and creation theory. From the perspective of someone who holds, what felt like a basic understanding of the religions covered, I appreciated Friedmann’s synopsis of key religious texts to provide a supportive base for his theory. What […]