I stumbled on his book, quite by accident, during my pursuit of texts related to the Vedas and Kabbalah. Anyway, surprised as I was, I read his work and scribbled all over it during my Christmas vacation in Egypt wandering under the stars and architecture of ancient times.
I have no quibbles about the mapping from Biblical to Earth time. Those sufficiently concerned will fine tune the transposition algorithms over time. Thanks in advance!
However, I was left with a far greater fascination with the personages of seers like Moses.
What is the make of such men who are so attuned with the motions of the universe to capture such deep insights? Today, we tease out truths with the scientific method (is it random? can we reproduce it? can we manipulate it?). Moses’ truths came from a different place … from that GOD thing.
I look forward to reading about what Dan, or anyone else, has to say about Moses’ access into such fundamental truths.
Overall: Worth reading and pondering over. Thanks.