Evolution vs. creation: Will the debate never end? Daniel Friedmann has the solution. The Broken Gift is the author’s second book in his Inspired Studies series. His first book, The Genesis One Code, proposes the alignment of scientific and scriptural timelines to support the account given in the first two chapters of Genesis of the development of the universe and life on earth. The Broken Gift extends the scope of The Genesis One Code to include the earliest history of human life.
The book’s twelve chapters enhanced by figures and tables thoughtfully discuss individually and comparatively the scientific and scriptural theories of the appearance of humans on earth. Chapter topics like “Divergent Views: The Origins Debate,” “The Science Answer,” and “Interpreting Scriptures” correlate evolutionary and biblical timelines through a comparison of empirical science and mystical faith.
Daniel Friedmann’s book takes a laudable approach to reconciling two historically divergent perspectives on the origins of human life. His remarkable insight born from years of study leading to riveting conclusions makes this book a must-read for anyone interested in the origins debate and the appearance of human life on earth.