Evolution vs. creation: Will the debate never end? Daniel Friedmann has the solution. The Broken Gift is the author’s second book in his Inspired Studies series. His first book, The Genesis One Code, proposes the alignment of scientific and scriptural timelines to support the account given in the first two chapters of Genesis of the […]
New discovery of fossils that date back to 520 million years ago
New fossil find reveals that an enigmatic seafloor dweller first described more than a decade ago was armored and much larger than its modern-day kin. See Science AAAS. The new fossils push back the origin of the entoproct lineage all the way back to the Cambrian explosion, an interval when life diversified very quickly to […]
Reconciling scientific timelines and biblical records in the pursuit of truth
Not content with taking on the challenge to reconcile the “irreconcilable” in the Genesis Code, Friedmann continues his journey in his second book “The Broken Gift”. Where else would you find someone working on reconciliation between scientific timelines and biblical records in the pursuit of a fuller truth? The author deserves praise for his painstaking […]
I treasure it for its clarity and readability
I value a clear presentation of the Creation Narrative when given by a person who understands modern science, has a high view of Biblical Inspiration, a deep understanding of one of the major theological traditions — and sees no contradiction between these things. The Broken Gift is such a book, and I treasure it for its […]
An Interesting Perspective, December 29, 2012, Teach the World Ministries
Although I did not agree with all of the author’s premises in this book, I did appreciate the wonderful detail and specific information that is contained within. The theory of time being divergently different in space, depending on the place an object is located, brings great possibilities to our understanding of how six days of […]
A wonderful blending of science and spirituality
“A wonderful blending of science and spirituality! Daniel Friedmann’s newest book is an eye-opener for both staunch scientists and orthodox religious folks. Being of the latter, it solidifies my faith even more. Worth reading at least twice!” Planet Weidknecht
The latest estimate for the age of the universe
Establishing the age of the universe requires long term observation of the cosmos, primarily from instruments on satellites. Until December 21, 2012 the best scientific estimate of the age of the universe was between: 13.62 and 13.88 billion years old. The Genesis One Code shows how Genesis contains the exact age of the universe- to […]