New fossil find reveals that an enigmatic seafloor dweller first described more than a decade ago was armored and much larger than its modern-day kin. See Science AAAS.
The new fossils push back the origin of the entoproct lineage all the way back to the Cambrian explosion, an interval when life diversified very quickly to produce most of the groups seen today or their ancestors.
The Cambrian explosion continues to surprise us. After microscopic life emerged in the oceans 3.5 billion years ago, little happened for billions of years, then 530 million years ago animal life diversified very quickly. This single event corresponds in time to the Godly command to make animals in Genesis 1:25.
To see how the appearance of life as documented in the fossil record matches the Genesis account see Chapter 8 of The Genesis One Code.
Tags: cambrian explosion cambrian fossils early fossils Gensis origin of life