The NASA Mars rover Curiosity successfully landed on Mars August 5, 2012. Its mission, to help answer the question of whether there was or is life on Mars; whether on its surface or below. Why look at Mars for life? Mars may have been like the Earth in its past, including having liquid water and volcanism. Although Mars looks desolate we know that on Earth there are many kinds of life which can live in difficult environments. For example, we have discovered creatures that live on the bottom of the ocean floor, in the cold, dark and under extreme pressure.
And if we find some microscopic life on Mars and macroscopic life elsewhere in the cosmos, how does that square with the Bible?
Genesis is clear: the entire universe was created for the sake of man. That’s right, from the plants here on earth to the billions of stars we can barely see, all created for man’s sake. Even today we are not so sure what the use of all those stars is. Likewise it’s not so clear what the use of microscopic life on Mars might be. However, it could exist and be of use at some point in our future!
One thing is also clear in the Bible: man is the only form of life that was given free will. Thus, in the future, as we explore other solar systems, don’t expect to find little green men making moral decisions – although finding microscopic life and even intelligent creatures is not incompatible with the Bible.
To learn more about what life is and how it came to be check out The Genesis One Code.
To learn more on the Bible and extraterrestrial life see
Tags: bbile and extraterrestrial bible and life on mars bible and mars curiosity extraterrestrial life genesis and extraterrestrials genesis and mars landed on mars life on mars mars mars rover nasa nasa mars roiver