As a Rav who was once a bio-organic chemist, the issues of creation science and biblical narrative have been an area of particular interest. The subject matter is one which requires a dual loyalty: one to accurate reading of the Torah and another to valid empirical and theoretical science. Many essays writers make a mistake in this area, so clearing up the facts is a must.
Daniel Friedmann is an individual thoroughly committed to both of these disciplines, accuracy in Torah and in Science. And his book The Genesis One Code is reflective of this commitment. I found that his treatment of the Physics, Astronomy, Biology and Paleontology was the most thorough that I have read on the subject. He has provided valuable theories for advancing a true synthesis of the disparate elements, and is not afraid to admit epistemological lacunae or intellectual challenges.
Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the book is how well synchronized Friedmann’s theories are with the empirical chronology of the natural record. A second impressive element is Friedmann’s thorough survey of previous literature. I often judge a book by the quality of its notes. The Genesis One Code has copious and thorough notes, which speaks to both the honesty and humility necessary to advance the truth of this issue.
Congregation Schara Tzedeck
Vancouver, B.C.
17th Elul 5772
Tags: creatinism judaism orthodox religion news Rosenblatt rosh hashanah torah and science