Reading The Genesis One Code is a faith affirming adventure! Daniel Friedmann has done an insightful and entertaining presentation of the meaning of the first chapter of Genesis. Not since the Protestant Evangelical Dr. Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe came out with his support of the ‘Big Bang’ theory, the creation day interpreted as […]
Free Will – the Bible says we have it, science says…
Genesis is unequivocal – we have free will, we are the one species who have free will. In fact, our entire faith sytem is built on the concept that humans have free choice and are free to determine their own path in life. Until this week science disagreed that we have free will. In a […]
Curiosity has landed: Life on Mars and the Bible
The NASA Mars rover Curiosity successfully landed on Mars August 5, 2012. Its mission, to help answer the question of whether there was or is life on Mars; whether on its surface or below. Why look at Mars for life? Mars may have been like the Earth in its past, including having liquid water and […]